The Jenerates Sewing Ruler
A square ruler is really useful when you're sewing, but I've never been able to find exactly what I was after - so I designed my own. Then I thought if I find this handy, other people might like it too, and here we are.
Metric or imperial, sewing or quilting.
Gift options available.
CLICK HERE for knitting rulers
Starts at zero on the outside corner AND the inside corner. You can work with it whichever way best lets you see what you're doing.
Cut outs make easy work of adding or subtracting seam and hem allowances
​These are big enough to use with a chalk pencil directly onto your fabric, and shaped so you can use them with an ordinary pen or pencil on your paper pattern.
Trace along the line of your pattern with the marker at the top, and keep your pencil in the cut out.
Using the inside corner to add either a deep facing or hem allowance
Seam guides on all sides, at 1.5cm on the metric ruler and at 5/8" on the imperial
Quilter's ruler with a 1/4" square cut out for checking your needle position and marking seam allowances. Useful for bra-making too!
Click here for reviews
In the shop - go bespoke with any wording, in handwriting or typeface font
And there's an add-on option for a handmade, reusable fabric gift bag
There's also a knitter's ruler!
Technical info
Metric ruler
Overall dimensions
Cut outs
Hem allowance
Deep facing
10 x 10cm​
1cm, 1.5cm, 3cm​
Imperial ruler
Overall dimensions
Cut outs
Hem allowance
Deep facing
4" x 4"​
1/4" 1/2" 5/8"
The rulers are either metric or imperial.
Made in the EU in 4mm cherry wood veneer, finished by hand (by me!) with natural wax. Lots of feedback on Instagram highlights.